All benefits
Personalized counseling
We offer our clients who wish to start a business in this field the opportunity to make an appointment for personalized counseling and for a presentation of products by a dedicated staff, trained in this field.
Planning of initial stock
This counseling means to propose the composiiton of the initial stock and to help setting a policy of prices adapted to the market where the activity is carried out, taking the competition into account, as well as the potential of the area.
Loading directly from the Roseco warehouse, possibility to correlate and serve the order with an existing route, thus providing a transport cost accessible to every client. Clients with business points that are not situated on our delivery route are provided with the alternative to organize the delivery and the transport of the goods by courier in exchange of a fee.
Company member of Mendola Group
Our company is member of Mendola Group of enterprises. By belonging to this group, our company benefits from logistic facilities for minimum costs with maximum efficiency.
Market leaders
Our company is one of the market leaders and it is most certainly a trendsetter in the field of textiles. Our experience of more than 25 years in the field, as well as our commitments to sustainability and protection of the environment are all advantages in our cooperation.
Competitive prices
Our company has a monitoring system of the entire manufacturing process, from the reception of the raw materials, passing through primary sorting and smooth sorting, until the finite product, its storage and delivery. Having a permanent control over this process, our prices are always the most competitive on the market. Moreover: according to the purchased quantity, we have the possibility to provide discounts.
Preferential discounts
Preferential discounts and prices for quantities of 10 tons / week.
Transport by land and by sea from Constanța port on the territory of Romania.
Testing of quality
Through us, you have access and we offer you the possibility to test the quality of the goods of Eastern provenience that we have been trading for more than 25 years.
Advantages of localization
Purchasing quality goods for a low transport cost due to the fact that, geographically, Romania is situated in the vicinity of these countries.
Selection of products
We offer the possibility to purchase products during the current season and in the counter-season.
Counter-season assortments
We offer the possibility to choose from a huge stock of various counter-season assortments.
To maintain the quality of products, the goods are disinfected and treated with pest control substances, thus providing the best storage conditions.
Social responsibility
The social welfare plays an important part in our mission. In a broader sense, the efficient exploitation of material resources copes in an excellent way with the social requirements of the countries under development. We facilitate the distribution of these products in disadvantaged areas and we may adapt the sorting according to the specific needs of these places.
Weekly sales campaigns
Out of the wish to provide an optimized and control flow of products, we offer our clients weekly sales campaigns. For more information about the current campaigns, you may access the price page or you may contact us by the Call Center.
Controlled quality
To have a stable quality of the goods regardless of the season, our control team supervises the sorting process on a permanent basis. The constant high quality is guaranteed by the periodically improved manufacturing processes.
Logistic benefits
Our company operates 2 logistic locations in Transylvania: the administrative office and the warehouse in Vlaha, Cluj county, and a warehouse in Târgu Mureș, with the total area of more than 8000 sqm, providing excellent storage conditions. Products are sold by retail or by wholesale trade, and we offer home delivery in exchange of a fee. With more than 25 years of experience in sorting second-hand clothes, our company has been operating at the highest ecologic standards ever since 1991.
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